Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I can't help my self.....

With a couple months to the election I really did not want to get real political quite yet. But it turns out Sarah Palin's daughter is pregnant. As you all know I'm kind of left leaning so I have to admit it's been kind of fun watching the Republicans, the "values party", tap dance today. It's pretty funny thinking about the GOP looking for their Carol Brady to run for Vice President; they finally find her but they forget to check if Marsha is knocked up. Whoops!! They must have had the same guy that thought there were WMD's in Iraq head up VP search process. He'll probably be sweeping up the arena tonight after the convention. I don't want to gloat to much though. We'll probably find out Joe Biden was banging his hair dresser next week, so I don't want to get carried away. Also, I don't think it's fair to pile on. It's tough enough for a 17 year-old girl to deal with a pregnancy in it self. Having "values" doesn't change your physiology. She got horny and a mistake happened. Give her a break. Obama is saying the right things but that does not do much to quiet other lefties. For instance, Lindsey Lohan weighed in on the subject on her blog. Lindsey Lohan! Lindsey weighing in on moral issues on her blog is just slightly less absurd than say a cat blogging about the same subject. Also, as a child of a single biological mother I can't be to critical. Yeah, my Dad left my Mom in some alley a couple weeks after he found out he knocked her up. He promised her that they would get place together under a dumpster behind a Wal-Mart. Then one morning, poof! He was gone. Bastard! My Mom was working with a kitten support attorney before I was adopted. I'm not sure she ever got anything out of him.......This gets to a related subject though. Through out political debate you hear the term of "Traditional Family". This concept usually comes up during the gay marriage debate. It refers to the idea that a traditional family is a Husband, Wife, they have a couple kids, dog, cat, house. The husband has a good job and mom has to work very little if at all. The kids grow up great, go to college and they whole cycle repeats it self. The concept is great. Unfortunately it's a big crock of shit. On my short time on this planet one thing I've figured out is that the "Traditional Family" is almost always nontraditional. In fact the Traditional Family is all screwed up. Just in the families I know there are a bunch of marriages with step kids. Kids out of wedlock. Mom's almost always have to work. Kid's don't go to college, cat starts some crazy blog. There are a bunch of factors that throw the whole plan out of wack. I bet you anything you have at least one family member that is certifiably wacko. If you think you don't then you're the crazy one. I have like eight of them on my Dad's side alone. All products of the "Traditional Family" system. I think this idea stems from '50s TV shows. You know. Leave it to Beaver, Father Know Best etc. Everybody thinks the '50s were the perfect time for some reason. We should go back an make 50's shows when the Dad would come home an treat Mom like shit but she couldn't leave him because of the stigma of divorce and she couldn't get a decent job to support herself. Or a '50s show about the African-American family that couldn't use the same restroom as white people. Wow, they were enlightened back then. The show can be called "Father Doesn't know shit". It seems to me the 50's were great for white males. For everybody else it sucked. That's why we had the 60's and 70's.

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