I don't get offended easily. But I've been getting some disturbing e-mails recently. These ridiculous cat picture e-mails. I posted a couple examples. They show photos of cats in different situations with some stupid caption. These are extremely offensive. They make cats look like complete idiots. Who says "can I seeps wif yuo"? What makes you people think we talk like that? What does putting the U before the O accomplish? And what self respecting feline asks for permission to sleep somewhere? Just plop your ass down and go to sleep! It's not even funny. Anybody can add a caption to a picture and be somewhat humorous. It's not hard. I've gotten these e-mails from numerous sources. There is even a book out that has these things. People are really paying money for this crap? Who's started this chain? Joke e-mails have really gotten out of hand. Everybody thinks they have a really original one. But I get the same ones all the time. These things travel like a contagious virus. Is this what you people do at work all day? No wonder the economy is going hell. But if you read my blog at work. By all means keep doing what you're doing.

Myz fwifteen mwiniets is ovwer!

Howz Ize gonna fwind da wheel kwillers fwom Nevwada Stwhate pwison?
I told you it's not hard. I could have posted a thousand of these things. I even passed up the Britney Spears/Lindsey Lohan no panty pictures and Tara Reid's nipple slip. Seemed way too easy.
1 comment:
Aw you're no fun Buon!
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