I'm back! It's been a while. I've been busy working on some other projects....Well Turkey Day is coming up. Myself and my family love Thanksgiving. It's supposed to be a day of giving thanks for the things that we have but, since the holiday is an American holiday it has quickly morphed into a celebration of overeating, naps, football and shopping. Which is fine by me. A holiday for just giving thanks is just plain boring. A holiday with gluttony, drooling and farting on your aunts new sofa while sleeping, betting on football, than spending the next day buying a bunch of crap you don't need makes for a great time. It's also great for family bonding. My Mama, Dad and Carty love overeating. All of us love napping. Me, my Dad and Carty love football, My Mama loves buying crap we don't need. There is something for everybody! I really don't get the shopping thing though. Battling a bunch of strangers for some piece of crap toy that your kid will be ignoring by New Year's day? Why put yourself through this? Women get in fist fights over this stuff? That's the Holiday spirit!

I do love the scenes they show on the news every year of a bunch of women at entrance of Target(or any other store) trampling over each other when the doors open. It looks like the running of the bulls at Pamplona. But in the spirit of the Holiday I'd like to list some things I'm thankful for.....
I'm thankful for....
-my head being able to reach between my legs
-TIVO. Man's greatest accomplishment since the moon landing.
-a fresh made bed

-the temperature in Vegas is about 65 degrees right now
-the Hummer dealership in Vegas is being turned into a Smartcar dealership. A rare silver lining in our horrid economy. Man, are Hummers obnoxious! If you are a male and you drive a Hummer, everybody knows you are trying to compensate for something. Why don't you just wear t-shirt that says you have a really small penis?
-Tony Romo is back from his injury.
-My new scratching post...ohh wait. I don't have new scratching post!!
-cold beer
-being silly

-a fresh can of nip
-Kitty Kaviar, you really have to try this stuff.

-I overcame my addiction to America's Next Top Model.
-I'm now addicted to Real Housewives of Atlanta. Go ahead, laugh.
-most all, my Mama!
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