Monday, June 16, 2008

Finally! My own blog.

Hey everyone. I did it. I have my own blog now! If you don't already know me. My name is Bono. Pronounced Baw-no. Like the U2 front man.....oh, I'm a cat by the way. The name was not my idea...Anyway, this blog is a spin off of another blog that nobody reads. But you probably know that. If you just happened to click on here for some reason you probably already clicked out. If you're still here, you're probably wondering what a cat is doing with a blog? Click on this site (The 12/5/07 entry)to find out how all this started. Now that I think about it, a cat having a blog does not sound that off the wall. Everyone has one of these things now. That's what's so cool about them. Anyone type up a bunch of crap and pretend they are experts or have some sort of insight on what they are blogging about. All this can be done without having any qualification or a shred of accountability. It's kind of like being a government official in that way. It's pretty awesome.

We'll not much has happened in the last week or so, but I have been watching the NBA Finals. I've been pulling for the Lakers of course. My Dad is a Celtics fan. We haven't spoke much in the last week and a half. We do somehow manage share a twelve pack during the games though. Beer has a way of bringing family together. If you remember I have quite a bit of cash riding on the Lakers. The Celtics lead the series right now 3 games to 2. The first team to 4 wins, gets the title for you sports neophytes. I'm not worried though. My Dads favorite teams always disappoint in the end. Always. I'm already thinking of things to buy with my winnings. His favorite baseball team was Montreal Expos. They don't even exist anymore. When they did they didn't win a damn thing. His team now is the Angels. They won the World Series in 2002. But the Expos were still around then, so it doesn't count. His football team is the Cleveland Browns. Enough said. His alma mater is the University of New Mexico. Perennial also rans in pretty much every sport. They did win a National title a few years skiing. Like anybody cares. They finished 2nd in the Nation in soccer a couple year's ago. Skiing and Soccer? Was I born in New Mexico or Europe? The Celtics have won 16 World Titles, but non since 1986. Right about the time my Dad decided that was his team. They've been cursed since then. When game 7 is over on Thursday don't say I didn't tell you......if you made this far thanks for reading my 1st post on my own blog. I plan on adding a few wrinkles to the site now that I don't have Kim-Jen Ill to answer to. I hope you visit again. If you don't, screw you. I didn't want you on my site anyway.


Cindy Dean said...

LOL...I like the uncensored Bono! Screw Kim-Jen! I am going to give you a special link spot on my blog! Love it!

Shelly said...

You rock, Bon! I agree with Cindy.