I would be down for pretty much anything beside just beating the French. Anyway, I didn't get my blog done last night because my cat buddy Chico gave me a ring. Chico's family is also Mexican, so he full Mexican by proxy. But not just your run of the mill Mexican, his family is like keep an eye out for La Migra Mexican. He called me up around 7:30pm and says "Come over were having a Cinco De Mayo party". I was like "Nah it's weekday, I can't really party tonight". Then he says "What? We're freakin cats! We don't have shit to do tomorrow. Beside you love drinking on weekdays. It's your way of sticking it to the man, remember?" Then I was like "Damn, your right! I'll be there in 15 minutes!" So Carty tagged along and we hung out with Chico and his family. It was a good time. Ate some mystery meat tacos and took a couple whacks at a pinata. We also drank some Bud Light. I bring this up because I want to clarify one thing. Mexicans generally don't drink Mexican beer. You rarely see a Mexican drinking a Corona. Mostly because it taste like horse piss. Read the bottle it's brewed at Juarez Downs. You put lime and salt in it because that's the only way to make it tolerable. Sorry to break it to you white people. If you think you're getting some sort of diverse cultural experience because you drink a Corona when you eat at Mexican restaurant, your fooling yourself. If you want to have a Mexican experience, go hammer shingles on a roof when it's 110 degrees outside. Finally, a couple months ago I listed some of my favorite contributions that African-American's have made to American culture that kind of go un-noticed. I decided to do the same for Mexican-American's. Like I did with African-American I'm going to leave out the obvious people that always get mentioned like Ceasar Chavez and.....we'll that's it. He's the only one the ever gets mentioned. Was he even Mexican-American or just Mexican? Anyway here is my top 10 list of the best contributions Mexican-American make to our culture. Number 1, they do all jobs nobody else want's to do. Really. They do. People complain that Mexican take all the jobs. Do any non-Mexicans apply to clean the toilets at the Travel Lodge? Or trim the hedges your lazy ass won't? Ok.......Number 2......ahhhh. Ok that's all I can think of.......I will post a picture of my two favorite Mexicans instead....Tomy Romo and Speedy Gonzales.

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