She's leaving today. We'll not today. But sometime this weekend. Who you ask? Cindy Dean. She got my Mama into blogging(at least for a brief period) which got me into blogging. So you can partially blame her for all this bullshit. Where is she going? New York, New York. She wants to be a part of it. We'll not right away, but eventually. She is taking a detour first. Her vagabond shoes have been longing to stray. So lets get right through the very heart of it. She is going to live in Turkey for a few months. Yes, I thought the same thing! Turkey? I was like, What? Was the Four Seasons Beirut booked up? Then she posted on her blog that Istanbul or Constantinople as I call it, is a modern city. Then my Auntie Shiloh said that Turkey is great. And she could see herself spending a few months there also. At first I took their word for it. Being that I've never been there myself. Who am I to say it's not? Then it dawned on me. Cindy lives in North Las Vegas and Shiloh lives in Moriarty, New Mexico. I have been to both of those places. If I lived in either one of those towns I would want to get the hell out of there too. Mogadishu, Somalia sounds like an appealing get away compared to either one of those shit holes. Sorry Cindy, I know Turkey is nice, but I'm not capable of writting a blog without talking shit. Cindy's moving to New York because her boyfriend lives there. I think she has other motives as well. I think she want's to wake up in a city that doesn't sleep. Some people have said Vegas is a 24 hour town. But I've been to the strip at 4am on a Tuesday. That place is snoring. Also, she hasn't made much art lately. I think in the back of her mind she knows NY is one of the art capitals of the world and It will act as a muse for her. Maybe, just maybe she can pull off something big in NYC. She can be queen of the hill. Top of the heap. A number one. So Cindy while your little town blues are melting away we'll be keeping tabs on you. I'm sure we'll find you on top of the list. I don't what list. I don't think Sinatra knew what list he was singing about either, but I'm sure you'll be number one. You're gonna make a brand new start of it in old New York. Just remember if you can make there you can make it anywhere. It's up to you. Best wishes.....Bon.