I'm going to Red Rock Casino this weekend to see Peter Frampton(washed up 70's/80's guitarist), Dave Navarro(washed up Seattle grunge guitarist, now more famous for banging Carmen Electra) and Diamond Rio(washed up country band). It's all part of a summer series of outdoor concerts at Red Rock featuring a slew of washed up musical acts. It's freakin awesome!! I've already seen Crosby and Nash(washed up folk rockers) a couple weeks ago. I don't know where Stills are Young were at. Last week I saw Slash(washed up Guns+Roses guitarist). If you look at my favorite musical acts I have a thing for music acts that are either washed up or dead. I can't explain why I like it. Maybe it's seeing people trying to grasp at past glory. Maybe the thought of these guys needing their next paycheck as much as the rest of us makes me feel a little better about my own standing in life. I don't know. But what's really cool is this is all taking place right down the street. I don't even pay to get in. I can just slide through the cracks of a couple fences and I'm in. I just lay back a little and pretend I'm a stray. Not that anybody really notices me anyway. We'll actually one of the security officers did. It turns out it was some black dude that lives down the street from me. We ended up splitting a doobie and debated which bar-b-que is better. Memphis or Kansas City. It's KC paws down. Now he clears a little spot out for me on a ledge. It's worked out great....I noticed one thing a couple of these guys have in common. Slash and Peter Frampton have recently been featured in commercials. Frampton is in a Geico commercial. They must be in a contract dispute with the Gecko. Slash is pitching for Guitar Hero the video game. Product endorsement used to be highly taboo in the music industry. Frampton would have never tried to pull this off at the height of his powers in the 70's and 80's. Some people still frown upon this. But it's usually from people that are fans of musicians that would never be offered endorsements anyway. You'll hear some jerk-offs that like metal or punk rock criticize these guys. But the people they listen to would never get endorsement of because their favorite "artist" are either a)strung out on heroin b)wear dark black eye shadow c)worship satan d)all of the above. Not much you can endorse with that profile. That is unless they start making commercials for methadone (don't put this past pharmaceutical companies). So it's easy to bash others for taking the money. I bet if Marilyn Manson was offered a Geico commercial he would take it in a heart beat. I haven't heard from that guy in years. He has to be in dire need of a paycheck right now. Well back to Slash. He does a commercial for Guitar Hero. Since we got the Wii I've sofend my stance on guys that play this game that think they are really are Guitar Heroes by playing a little plastic guitar. After becoming addicted to Wii golf, I find these guys slightly less pathetic. One thing I hope this commercial helps is the re-emergence of the top-hat. I love those things. With my black and white fur I really think I can make one of those work on myself. Considering they haven't been popular in roughly 60 years. I doubt it will happen. But I hope it's the new big fashion trend. It worked for Willy Wonka, Fred Astaire and Mr. Peanut, I think I could make it work as well.
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