I've been laid up with a case of pancreatitis lately. If you don't know what that is it's the inflammation of your pancreas. It's the organ that releases enzymes to digest food. When it's inflamed it releases and excessive amount of the enzyme and your body tries to digest it self. It's not quite as fun as it sounds. I was out of it for a couple days. Had a couple very costly trips to the vet. I have health insurance. Yes, I'm a cat with health insurance. If you are one of those people that complain that I'm a cat with health insurance but we have kids starving in Africa with no health care etc. I'm not apologizing for it. That's your problem. Well the insurance does not cover everything. And the problem with this pancreatits issue is that it can be chronic. I might have to deal with this for the rest of my life. Which brings me to the health care issue. Clearly things haven't really been stimulated by our stimulus "plan". You didn't think I would stop complaining because the guy I wanted to win won did you? I feel obligated to complain more now when things don't go the way I think they should. Anyway, we dropped about $3 Trillion on the stimulus. I thought we should have just jacked it up to $10 Trill or so. What the hell, $21 Trillion deficit or $28 Trillion deficit, will we be any less screwed at 21 rather than 28? I say we take the extra $7 trill from the proposed Bono's super stimulus and spend it to get everybody health care. Domestic animals included. I'm not sure why people get so offended by this. Do they really like having a huge premium ripped from their paycheck and handed over their shitty HMO? They feel bad for insurance companies? They like not having coverage when they are laid off? I don't get it. If you are against this, you will like it more once faced with the threat of chronic illness. Trust me. I decided to take action on this issue. I thought I would look into contacting my Government representatives office's. I considered calling Harry Reid's office, but clearly that dip shit can't get anything done. I looked into my who Congressional Representative is. I quickly forgot who it was after the last election. Carty always remembers shit like this. So we had this conversation. Me: Carty, who represents our district in Congress. Carty: Dina Titus. Me:"Son of a Bitch"!!! Yes, the lady that I though was mentally disabled when I watched her campaign commercials was my second option. I already had pancreatitis. The last thing I needed was a case of Dina Panreatitus. Thank you. I'll be here all week.

Do these goobers instill confidence in you? Me neither.
Now I was down to our other Senator, John Ensign. I don't really care that he was banging one of his campaign workers. I'm more offended that he was part of the Republican regime that presided over this whole economic mess in the first place. Asking for his help or any other Republican that was around during the Bush years, is like asking a fat person for dietary advice. What they say might actually be correct, they just have no credibility. So in short it seems I'm screwed.....On a happier note, Super Bowl Sunday is almost here! Since I haven't been feeling well I haven't had a drink in over three weeks. This is the longest stretch with out drink since I was in my 20's when my ex suggested that I lay off the sauce. I got rid of her shortly after I realized she was trying to change me. Note to woman. Human men and cat men are very similar in this sense. We are both willing to change, but you have to make us think it was our own idea. Much easier said then done. Anyway, I'm feeling better now and if I continue to do so is might knock a few down for the game.....Super Bowl predictions: The Colts will beat the Saints 31-20 and at least one member of The Who will break a hip during the halftime performance. This is not an exaggeration. If the members of The Who were American they would qualify for Medicare. Memo to the NFL. If the halftime act is too old if they have members that can die of natural causes and nobody would be surprised.....I'd like to do a shout out to my Auntie Shiloh. We both had birthday's since my last post. We are both older than we care to admit. We both didn't get anything particularly good for our birthday and still have not gotten anything from my Mama.