Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Are you ready to get your ass sniffed?

Next time you fly I think it might happen. Now that terrorists are hiding bombs in their undies I think it a strong possibility. Apparently whatever technology they are using now doesn't detect crotch bombs or ass bombs. I think you are going to crotch/ass/bomb sniffing dogs in the security lines at the airport. Can anybody think of any other quick alternatives to keep this from happening again? No, hiring competent screeners at the airport is not an option. Only realistic ideas please. Cindy Dean did some work for her sister/brother-laws security dog biz in
Constantinople. If I had a business like that I would be training them for this job right away. If I didn't think the world was going to end in 2011 I would probably invest myself. It can't be easy to train the dogs though. In fact It could by quite a nasty task to train them. Dogs seem to be easily trained to sniff out explosives. But now dogs need to be trained to sniff out explosive mixed with Arab balls sweat. Yuck! How do you replicate a smell like that? Not that I would know what it smells like. But you don't have to stretch your imagination to know it can't be good.....On a couple occasions I've thrown out ideas on how to catch terrorists. I have another one. Why can't we have a separate line for Islamist at the airport. Then they can be inspected more thoroughly. Hold on, yes I know it violates Civil rights, the Constitution, blah, blah, blah. This type of thing is not without presidence(see Japanese internment circa 1942). But I have a catch. Let's be real, these people have been screwing up air travel even well before 9/11. What if the government offered an incentives to Islamist to play along. How about a $10k tax credit? You get to May 15th to pay your taxes. Rather than 72 virgins if you die as a martyr, you get 73 Thai hookers now!! Corporations could jump in. All Islamist get %10 of Starbucks. A free air filter with every other oil change at Jiffy Lube. The possibilities are endless. We can even extend it to other ethnicities. Black people could agree to be escorted around retail outlets to prevent shoplifting. White corporate CEOs will agree to stop ruining the Country. Me being 1/2 Mexican and my Dad being full Mexican we discussed the following situation. What if all Mexicans were forced to learn English and always have their proof of citizenship pinned to their shirt like kindergartners homework so everybody will know if we are legal or not? We both agreed we would do it for a $5k tax credit, %15 off at El Pollo Loco, cuts in the line at the DMV and we get to use the Islamist line at the airport(We both would trade the more extensive search for the shorter line). Sure if this happened there would be no one left to pick our fruits and vegetables, build shit, clean our hotel rooms, leaf blow, shop a Big Lots etc. But damn it we won't have to deal with that annoying press 1 for English, press 2 for espanol question! And their might not be anybody left to take my discounted order at El Pollo Loco, but I think the economy is bad enough now that even white people will take those jobs, so I'm not to worried about that....On a more serious note I'm frustrated that we are still debating how to stop terrorist. Terrorism is simply a tactic being used in a greater struggle. Since 9/11 nothing has been done to address the greater struggle. In fact we have gone backward. I've mentioned in previous blogs that the biggest reason radical Islamist want to kill us is because they see us as Christians/Jews all up in their Islam business. We have military bases on Arab soil, we pretty much occupy two Countries, blindly back Isreal. As long as these things are going on we are going on we are going to be dealing with terrorism. Obviously, they don't have the numbers or resources to fight our military in a conventional war, so they are going to use terrorism. Killing their leadership does not help. It just buys us time while they regroup. I've lost count on how many #2/#3 Al-Quida guys we've killed. The idea for them is to create overreaction. And so far it is working well for them. We are spending billions if not trillions in Iraq. Despite Obama's campaign promises we can't leave. It would be a train wreck. We've opened prisons where we hold prisoners without trial, undermining our moral authority(why can't they just be prosecuted in put in our regular Federal prisons?) and own Constitution. I've heard one person, Republican Ron Paul even bring up the idea of simply extricating ourselves from the whole region. That's not to say that the reasons we are there(Isreal/Oil) are not worth fighting/risking our livelihood for. You might think they are. But can we at least have the debate? Finally, I think the Government is pretty limited in it's ability to prevent terrorism. How much can the government do to keep a group of Islamic terrorist to go an a shooting spree in a crowded shopping mall? It seems we've been pretty lucky that they seem fixated in bombing planes for some reason. With that said this latest attempt is quite worrisome. This dude that tried this pretty much had "Terrorist" stamped on his forehead. I think we are all hypocritical to some extent. But I try to be as consistent with my arguments as possible. If you have read my blog before I've been pretty tough to George Bush. But I've never really blamed him for 9/11. But I've always been annoyed by Republicans that twist them self in to a pretzel to blame it on Bill Clinton. I've always countered with the argument, that if the Republicans were so enlightened on the issue and they had nine months to prevent it, why did it happen? I would make the same argument in this case. Everyone from the TSA inspector up needs to take heat for this. I don't know whatever security hole that allowed this to happened existed when Bush was in place, but if it was it should have been fixed by now.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Where do I start.

It been a while since I blogged. Quite a bit has happened since then. I have lots of ground to cover. I'm not really sure how to make it flow correctly so basically I'm going to just throw a bunch of crap out there...We had Thanksgiving. It was at my condo this year. Us cats are not good enough for humans to have around for Thanksgiving, so the neighborhood cats just have our own. It's become a tradition of ours. We just get together eat turkey, drink wine and watch football like everybody else. When you mix cats with wine and turkey we should really call it Napapaloza or something. Anyway, for the 6th year in a row, when carving the turkey Carty made an inappropriate dark meat joke. For the 2nd year in a row it involved the Kardashian sisters. When everybody called him out on it he swore it was the first time he used the Kardashian sisters and last year was Eva Longoria. The consensus was that he used the Kardashian sisters for the 2nd year in a row. Before we ate we said a prayer which is fine. But every year one of the women wants to go around and have everybody say what they are thankful for. When this is brought up all the guys all sigh a little bit which because none of us know what to say. Most of use just copy what one of the other guys say. Plus, they always mute the football game during this and delays eating by ten minutes...My buddy Chico was there. You might remember him from my Cinco de Mayo blog. He is Mexican so naturally him and his wife have had 4 litters if kids. I don't even think he is sure how many kids he has. Most of his latest litter was bumping around my place, heightening my disdain for children. I bring this up because Chico and his wife Lupe were a little down this year, because their son Paco(He is in the Air Force. Pictured in uniform) just shipped out for another tour in Afghanistan. What can a cat possibly do in the military you ask? He keeps birds off the end of runways. If you think that is un-important, ask those people on that US Air flight that "landed" in the Hudson river last year. He also keeps vermin away from the mess hall and helps out maintaining the computer networks when he has time. Plus, if a lizard can sell auto insurance a cat can sure as hell serve in the military.

A while after dinner Carty and some friends went out on the patio to smoke cigars. If there has been a bigger douche bag activity invented in the last 15 years I don't know what it is. They all light up and start talking about the quality and taste of various cigars. I've smoked around a dozen cigars (I'll try anything 12 times} and they all tasted like I was making out with an ashtray. Why anybody would pay more for one cigar over another is beyond me. They were talking about how Arturo Fuente cigars have an "oakey" flavor to it. Now Carty has eaten just about everything possible, so I can see how he would know what an oak tree taste like. But everybody else? What does Mahogony taste like? Is there a particle board flavored cigar? I would lump wine connoisseurs in this also. I mean, I love wine and all. But they all pretty much taste the same. A $300 Cabernet from some specialty store does taste better than the $3 bottle from Walgreens. But not 300 times better. I think wines should be rated on how horny they make your wife/girlfriend. It would be much more helpful then telling be it has hints of raspberry with with a plum finish, I can tell you that much.

Can we stop treating Tiger Woods like the worst person in the world? So he banged some floozies. Big deal. His soon to be 1/2 a billionaires ex-wife will get over it! Trust me. Unless you are a billionaire that turns down every women that throws them self at you, I think you should spare the judgment.

My Mama's business, ArtJewelsandTreasuresByJen is officially no more. They closed their doors a couple weeks ago. It turns out Carty was the soul of the business and when he stepped down the company was rudderless.

I had to go the vet about a week and a half ago. I made some funny meows when I was taking a whiz. Hey, I'm getting old. When you get into your fifties you are going to make some funny sounds when you are taking a piss too. I told her it was nothing to worry about. But she insisted that I go. When I got there, everybody time a one of the staff members would see me they would ask me where Carty is and if he is OK. None of them asked how I was doing? Or why I was even there? The didn't find anything. The did somehow decide that I have some anger issues. Not sure how they came to that conclusion. They wanted to put me on some medication. I was like hell no! I don't have any f****N anger issues!! After some debate I agreed to a couple counseling sessions with a therapist. Rather then meds. I don't think I need the help but I've always had a hypothesis that therapist are full of shit and I just want to test out my theory. I had my first appointment this week. So far my theory is holding true.

I'm getting fired up for Christmas. But a couple things are pissing me off. If you are one of those people that gets really upset because a business/school or some other entity has a sign that says Happy Holidays not Merry Christmas or vice versa you really need to direct you anger at something more constructive. At least that is what my therapist says. I think they need to be kicked in the balls personally. If you are one of the ones that gets pissed off that a sign says Happy Holidays rather then Merry Christmas, please realize everybody does not think exactly like you. And most of all non-Christians buy gifts to(If you read the history of Christmas, it has been a more secular holiday than most Christian would care to admit). So naturally stores in areas where there is a significant non-Christian population they don't want their customers to feel uncomfortable. On the other hand, if you are Jewish, Arab, Atheist, whatever and you get pissed because your company calls it's party a Christmas party rather than a holiday party. Realize, you are out numbered!! Deal with it!

Finally, I was listening to the lyrics of "Rudolph the Rednose Raindeer" and I realized why have the other raindeer gotten a free pass through all these years. They openly discriminated against Rudolph just because he had a very shiny nose? What a bunch of assholes! They would verbally abuse him and bar him from playing reindeer games because he nose was bright red? I sounds to me that Donner, Blitzen and company were a bunch of superficial pricks. They didn't accept him till he bailed them out. Then they "loved" him. Where was Santa through all this? He had to know this was going on. He just allowed the other raindeer treat Rudolph like shit? Rudolph could have easily sued for workplace discrimination. I give a ton of credit to Rudolph. Would you have blamed the guy if he just told Santa and the other reindeer to just piss off on that foggy Christmas Eve? I think we all owe a large debt to Rudolph saving Christmas that year and handling this blatant injustice with such dignity.