It seems everybody is predicting the world is going to end in 2012 these days. Dead Mayans, Nostradamus, religious nuts, Hollywood movie producers etc. It's the new Y2K. At least from what I read. I wasn't alive in 1999-2000. I always found it ironic that most of the people that were making predictions about the world ending in 2000 were non-Christian. They saw a special relevance in that the earth rotated around the sun 2000 times since the approximate birth of someone that they believe lied about being the son of God or never existed at all? Anyway, when people start making predictions about things I just can't help my self, I have to chime in also. It can be football, horses, weather, just about anything. When people start predicting things, I have to make a bet also. By definition this isn't a bet I can really cash in on. But if I'm alive when it happens atlest I can have the tiny bit of satisfaction of being right as I die. I watch quite a bit of the History Channel. The should change the name of it to the End of Life on Earth Channel. They talk about it constantly. They have an endless loop of people predicting all sorts of catastrophes. Earthqukes, wars, famine, disease, things crashing into earth etc. Wow, they are really going out on the limb there. These things have been happening since the beginning of time!! I watched a special on the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. They had some scientist boldly stating that there is going to be another big earthquake in San Francisco someday. Thank you, Professor Obvious. What's your next prediction? the Cleveland Browns are going to suck again next year? This is one the biggest issues I have with the doom predictors. They never really give any specific information. And when they do give detail, it's always veiled in symbolism and kookie language that can be interpreted in many different ways. For instance, most of the the 2012 predictions are based on the calender of the ancient Mayans ending. But that's all it does is end. It doesn't really make any prediction about humanity ending. Maybe all it means is that some Mayan dude got tired of chiseling shit into a rock? The guy who made the so called prediction could have been the Miss Cleo of the Mayan world. We sure our giving them quite a bit of credibility for people without much of a track record of making predictions. Also, if they saw into the future why didn't they predict their own demise just a relatively short time later? Why do we give ancient cultures so much credit? You know they used to sacrifice their own children to try to make it rain so crops would grow right? So they built some freaking pyramids big whoop! They couldn't figure out indoor plumbing but they could see into the future?.....Then we have Nostradamus. All of his predictions seem to be verified posthumously. Some big event happens and people go back and read one of his quatrains with is usually a bunch of astrological gibberish, then say "Oh, here's where he predicted that". What also bothers me about Nostradamus is that he spent all his time predicting big historical events that happened years after his death. As a guy I don't buy this. If a guy had the ability to predict the future now, he would use it to predict the Super Bowl, stock market, which chick at the Club would be willing to bang him that night. He sure as hell wouldn't be predicting events that will happen hundreds of years after his own death. What's the point? I have a hard time believing guys from the 1500's were not just as greedy and horny as they are now... Most of the major religions all predict the end of humanity also. Most seem to take a similar position as Bible and say the it will happen "soon" and for some reason there are a bunch of trumpets, bowls and scrolls involved. Then we have good ole' Hollywood which has been capitalizing of this shit for years. Watching football and baseball I've been seen a bunch of commercials for the new "2012" movie. They show the world being turned up side down while John Cusak is trying to get the airport to escape. I have a hunch John Cusak somehow escapes the demise of life on earth. Of course millions will pay to go watch it. What a better way to cheer yourself up during a time of economic strife, war and flu epidemics then to go watch a movie about the end of world. Sounds like a great way to escape from the stress of life....With that said why do I predict 2011? I don't know. Seems as logical as any other time. It seems like a bolder prediction to call it sooner rather than later. I also put my money where my mouth is. I cashed out my 401k and other investments and I'm spending like crazy. I might not have enough to get me through 2010 much less 2011, so if we are still around in 2012, I have another prediction. I'll be hitting you up for a loan.